Regarding his recent weight drop, Dave Bautista has assured supporters that he is in good condition.
The 55-year-old former WWE wrestler clarified that he had worn a “uncomfortable amount of weight” in the past due to his part in the psychological thriller Knock at the Cabin in 2023
Bautista stated in an interview with Chris Van Vliet, a TikTok celebrity: “I started cutting back because I just got fat.” My size increased for a role, and it was uncomfortable. Call out to the cabin. I grew enormously. I quickly gained weight, and I was about 315 pounds.
Bautista continued by stating that he acquired weight for the M Night Shyamalan movie by consuming “french fries and pancakes,” in contrast to his earlier days in the WWE when he was “carrying lots and lots of muscle.
He remembered the director telling him, “I want you to look like a great big guy, not like a powerlifter.” In retrospect, Bautista continued, “I think I went beyond.
At the time, I was simply thinking, “I gotta get big,” even if I was perhaps a little too big. It took me ages to lose the weight I had gained, and it was uncomfortable.
Then I realized that I felt better the more I cut back. Additionally, I found that the more I slimmed down, the more I appeared on camera and alongside other actors.
“People say you’re skinny, God,” he said. I’ve even noticed some folks concerned about my health on the internet. Also, when I tell people out loud that I weigh 240 pounds and am 6’4″, it seems like I’m a gigantic person!
Despite the fact that I am still a massive human being, people believe I am anorexic since I have grown so much over the years. At 6’4″ and 240 pounds, I look like a gorilla next to your average actor, and it’s distracting!