The WWE SmackDown program airing next week features the Motor City Machine Guns. A vignette that aired last night made the announcement.
“Yeah man, I like those guys,” said the motor city machine guns regarding their WWE signing. Furthermore, it occurs to me that they were rather ahead of their own time. Since they were more like to many tag teams nowadays in terms of thinking creatively and taking a few extra steps to advance existing moves—that is, tag team maneuvering. As I recall, I saw them compete in Impact Wrestling, and it’s — and witnessing them do it was one of my first introductions to the future of the wrestling genre.You know, I always got along with both of them, fellow Michiganders. As we say in the industry, I think they’re excellent kids, and I like their work ethic. Since they’ve been out there, I know, working a lot and hard in the hopes of receiving their rightful desserts. Let me put it this way: a little early for their blossoms, but at least their chance. They’ve been working hard and following all the proper procedures, so I know they have a good chance of becoming major celebrities. Therefore, I’m happy to see that succeed. Regarding WWE altering the format of matches: “I could tell from that one match alone that they were changing things,”Regarding WWE’s decision to reorganize the format of matches: “When I watched SmackDown, I got the impression from that one match that they were more interested in streamlining their operations so that the actions made sense and advanced the plot. The supporters were delighted to cheer and knew exactly where to do so. And everything about it was so nice, positive, and easy. And I learned it from simply watching Randy Orton and Kevin Owens’ single tag match.